I love dumb criminal stories, but you know what’s even better? Dumb criminals caught on film!
This video is one of my favorites. A guy who’s been drinking decides to break into a liquor store – through the roof! A comedy of mishaps happen and it’s all caught on the stores surveillance cameras. here, take a peek:
Dumbest dumb criminal
I’ll bet you play this video over and over again. The first time I watched it I broke out into hysterical laughter. It’s a combo dumb criminal and dumb luck kind of moment:
Dumb rock thrower
This video of a guy who throws a rock to a plastic mirror then the rock bounce to his face…
I’ll leave you with this hapless bank robber who got confused about which way the door opened!
Really dumb bank robber
pull dont push !
Please let me know if you enjoy watching dumb criminal videos. I’ll make this a regular feature if you give me some feedback. While you at it please tell what other kinds of stories, pictures or videos you’d like to see here at Truly Odd Planet.
That first one is brilliant, i’m amazed he didn’t hurt himself with all those falls especially onto the shelves. was it worth going to jail for some beer? i doubt it.
thanks great read, Also your site looks excellent, ive tried my hand at design but without luck.
Now that’s gotta hurt, again and again! lol. what… there’s no 24hr liquor stores in Texas?