Ok, I think these guys could’ve / should’ve hired a moving truck …
That pickup truck looks pretty low at the back and I’d bet that that load will break the axles … or something!
It looks like there are a number of nice cabinets loaded onto that truck … It’d be a shame if they fell off!
Have you ever overloaded a car or truck like that?
This actually reminded me that last week as we drove on the highway we passed a small car with four passengers inside. Each passenger and the driver had an arm out the window as they held onto a mattress that was sitting on top of the cars roof! No ropes, no bungy cords … just one hand each!
It was a windy day and they had to pull over just as we noticed them. I’m sure they must have had tired, just about to lose their grip hands! Plus … the driver had his right arm out the window to hold onto the mattress as well … how the heck was he able to make turning signals or god-forbid shift gears!
I only wish I had my camera with me!