You know … I live in Toronto and a 39 day garbage strike just ended – Thankfully! Believe me, with everyone piling up garbage at the side of their houses and filling public garbage cans to overflowing the rat and raccoon population around here was growing!
I wouldn’t have been surprised to see one dressed like the one above – little back pack and all! LOL
The other day I opened up the compost bin that we have in our backyard to dump some kitchen scraps into it, and as I lifted the lid I saw movement! I threw the lid down and stepped back.
After stealing my nerves and getting a pitchfork, I walked back over to the compost bin and lifted the lid very carefully and slowly with the pitchfork. Whatever was in there was gone … probably out the newly chewed hole at the back of the composter!
I think it was a rat. Arghhhh!
Thank god our garbage strike is over! Unfortunately the pests who love garbage probably increased during this period so we’ll have to live with them for a while.