An Ohio woman, being driven around in a limousine, set off a riot shortly after she announced in a coat store that she’d won the lottery and would pay for everyone’s purchased.
The riot resulted not out of the sheer happiness of the stores customers, but over the fact that the woman was lying about having won the lottery. It was all a hoax.
She had announced on Tuesday after entering the store that she’d spend $500 on everyone at the Burlington Coat Factory. This prompted customers to gather at the cash registers and call their relatives.
When police arrived, 500 people filled the store and another 1,000 were outside.
Cashiers rang up sales before discovering the woman had no money. Angry customers grabbed clothes without paying.
The limo driver turned the woman in.
Police say she was arrested on three outstanding warrants but wasn’t charged for the coat store chaos pending a mental health evaluation.
Well .. that’s an interesting way to start a riot!
That is one very sick woman.
This is hilarious! And this actually happened? Why did the cashiers start ringing up items without checking for actual signs of sanity in the poor woman?